Saturday, November 18, 2006

An Oasis To Thee

When the dawn befalls on thy soul
The trepidation of darkness slay thy heart
Thou shall seek for a tender care
Find no arms to embrace thee, anywhere
Thou shall moan in eternal pain
Curse thyself for moments slipped in vain
Deceased thee sans happiness, though alive
Fretting thee become amidst self funeral pyre
Crucified are the dreams, stabbed are desires

It's then, my dear, raise your head
Take a look
With purity of saffron, a caring touch
With sparkles of diamond, soothing eyes
With exquisiteness of rain drops, on a deserted land
With shoulder for you to cry on, an oasis to lean
Aye my friend, I'll be there, just for thee
Waiting for the moment thy would hug me
And cry out thy fears, let go the old dreams
We'll together build a new life
Least give a beginning

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